Interest centers you will see in this room include:
Dramatic Play - developing social and emotional skills
Library/listening - stimulating language and communication
Creative Art - encouraging innovation, creativity, and learning
Gross Motor - encouraging the use of large muscles to help teach balance and coordination
Manipulative - developing fine motor control by stacking, scribbling, cutting, etc.
Discovery - encouraging children to explore their world using their senses
Blocks - stimulating fine motor and large motor skills, eye-hand coordination, as well as laying a foundation for math concepts (shapes and relationships)

In this room you'll see toddlers:
Learning as they play learning the rules of playing together using new words
Asking questions
Working on ideas about right and wrong
Learning to share
In this room you'll see the teachers:
Arranging for play
Helping children solve problems
Making learning fun reading stories singing songs
Using simple, consistent rules
Praising and encouraging accepting and reassuring

Children will learn about primary colors (red, yellow, and blue). Later they will learn the secondary colors (green, orange, and purple.
They will be exposed to shapes (circle, square, rectangle and triangle).
They will practice jumping and hopping on two feet and later one foot. They will practice walking forward, backward, up, and downstairs, and balancing.
They will practice throwing, rolling, and catching balls.
They will learn parts of the body, their names, and what they do.
They will learn about rain and sunshine.
They will learn "position" words such as over/under, in/out, up/down, around/through.
They will pretend and role play being mommies, daddies, community helpers, etc.
Children enjoy listening to and singing songs. They like to dance and exercise.
They love to create, whether it's pretending, performing, or painting.
They love and need self-expression. Children will learn about seasons, holidays, and other weekly themes that toddlers love to do while learning and having fun!