INFANT CARE (0-12 Months)
Our primary goal is to create a warm, loving environment for the infants. We strongly believe that children's emotional security is the foundation upon which all future growth and development take place. Our infant program includes activities that:
• Encourage a sense of curiosity about the world
• Develop a large amount of muscle control which leads to standing, walking, and running
• Stimulates the use of the five senses... this allows the child to be part of his world
• Develop small muscle control that is used to hold and manipulated things
• Reassure each child that he/she is loved and has a special place in our world

In this room you'll see the infants:
Growing and learning with love
Making sounds
Getting acquainted with people
Learning to turn over, sit up, pull up, crawl, and maybe to walk
Exploring everything - looking, listening, handling, putting things in their mouths
Learning to trust grown-ups
In this room you'll see the teachers:
Feeding, diapering, getting infants ready for naps responding to cries, smiles, and sounds
Talking to infants
Rocking and comforting
Giving infants room to move around
Creating a safe environment for infants to play and explore

(Developing self-awareness and communication)
Teachers hold and talk to your baby. Your child learns to focus on a face, respond to voices, and smiles when someone else smiles. They will learn to hand an object to another person, and point or call to get a desired object.
(Acquiring and using information)
Your baby will carry an object from his hand to his mouth: He will look in the direction of a sound and look for an object after seeing it fall.
(Making speech sounds and developing communication skills)
Teachers continually talk to your baby and your baby will begin to babble back. They will laugh out loud and start by making two different speech sounds (ba, da, ca, etc.)
(Using arms, legs, and torso with control - large muscles)
Your baby will hold its head and chest up while lying on its stomach, roll from back to side and start crawling on its stomach.
(Hands, fingers, and eye control -« small muscles)
Your baby will learn to hold a rattle when placed in its hand, follow a moving object from side to side, and pass an object from one hand to the other.